MyAirShield — protection against viruses, bacteria and germs

Dr. Medi­men­tum
Acti­ve clea­ning of the air with MyA­ir­Shield MyA­ir­Shield is worn around the neck and increases […]

Preparation for the practice with

8He­alth-Manage­ment UG
How do I start as a doc­tor in the prac­ti­ce? Learn the most important basics […]

Fatigue fractures in sports

Cha­ri­té — Uni­ver­si­täts­me­di­zin Cen­trum für Mus­ku­los­ke­le­ta­le Chirurgie
Frac­tures from fati­gue in sports are com­mon inju­ries in ath­le­tes and can have a major […]

The elbow — common disease patterns and treatment options

Cha­ri­té — Uni­ver­si­täts­me­di­zin Cen­trum für Mus­ku­los­ke­le­ta­le Chirurgie
The elbow joint has beco­me the focus of inte­rest in recent years. Diver­se dise­a­se patterns […]

Rotator Cuff Injuries — What Treatment Options Are There?

Cha­ri­té — Uni­ver­si­täts­me­di­zin Cen­trum für Mus­ku­los­ke­le­ta­le Chirurgie
Inju­ries to the rota­tor cuff, a ten­don pla­te con­sis­ting of 4 ten­dons on the shoulder […]